3138 students


Mastering the technical skills necessary to be successful in commercial real estate is only part of the battle. For those looking to land that next (or first) job in real estate, a well-thought out career plan and an active networking strategy is key.

Much of your value to future employers and investors comes down to how deal seasoned you are and how deep your network is. However, becoming deal seasoned and/or building a network in an area of real estate counter to your long-term career objectives can set you back years.

In this mini-course, you will learn a a framework, used successfully by thousands of professionals including Spencer and Michael personally, to land the right job in the least amount of time.

This framework is an adaptation of Steve Dalton’s 2-Hour Job Search process taught at top business schools around the world. In this course, you will learn to apply Dalton’s techniques to commercial real estate, specifically as it relates to selecting the ideal companies to target and the best individuals to network with.

The course then finishes with a supplemental lecture on writing a real estate resume that will increase your chances of getting an interview.


  • This course can be taken using any internet browser
  • This course is compatible with any device that has internet access and an internet browser


  • The value of deal seasoning, network, and choosing the right path early on
  • A framework for landing a job in CRE
  • Applying Steve Dalton’s 2-Hour Job Search principals to a career in CRE
  • Your real estate resume


Spencer and Michael started Adventures in CRE in their first year of graduate school. Since that time, the two have written over 350 in-depth articles on real estate financial modeling, careers, and education options; built and shared over 60 institutional-quality real estate financials models; developed an extensive glossary of real estate terms, recorded over 100 tutorial videos, and created the most comprehensive real estate financial modeling training program available.
