Period headers – ORI-RR

  • Anonymous
    4 years, 3 months ago #2548

    – In your youtube video explaining the ORI-RR tab, the header cells beginning in V11 were previously showing the period in which the rent was stepping. This feels like a nice feature. Any particular reason why it was removed from the model?

    Spencer Burton
    4 years, 3 months ago #3008

    In the initial launch of the All-in-One, rent bumps occurred on the annual anniversary of the operation begin month. This of course was less precise, since in practice annual rent bumps tend to occur on the annual anniversary of each lease’s start month.

    In a later release, I built logic that bumped rent annually based on the lease’s start month. As a result, the rent bump month for each tenant is different and so the previous header cells were no longer accurate. So instead, I changed the header to read: “As of Start of Lease Year:” 1, 2, 3, etc.”

    4 years, 3 months ago #3010

    Thank you! This makes a lot of sense.

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