Advanced Concepts - Property and Portfolio-Level
Advanced tutorials (not required for Accelerator completion) related to property-level and portfolio-level cash flow modeling
- Introduction to Advanced Concepts
- Modeling Floating (Variable) Rate Debt
- Real Estate Sensitivity Analysis Using a Data Table in Excel
- A Framework for Modeling Mixed-Use Investments
- Modeling Multiple Tranches of Capital Sources Dynamically
- Modeling a Construction Loan Takeout
- Add a Recalculate Button to Your Development Model to Avoid Circular References
- Considerations in Portfolio-Level Modeling
- Creating In-Cell Buttons, Toggles, and Navigation Buttons
- Ground Leases, Valuation, and Impact on Cash Flow
- Modeling Variability in Income and Expense Line Items
- Development Cash Flow: Creating a Steady Decrease Formula (Inverse to the Steady Growth Formula)
- Altering The Development Model For Pari Passu Coverage of Development Costs Between Debt and Equity
- Dynamically Forecasting Development Cash Flows
- Advanced Lender Risk Metrics – Duration and Average Life
- Using Stochastic (Probabilistic) Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulations
- Mortgage Prepayment Fees, Including Yield Maintenance and Defeasance
- After-Tax Analysis in Real Estate (Coming Soon)
- Tax Credit Modeling (Coming Soon)
- Advanced Formatting Techniques for More User-Friendly Real Estate Models (Coming Soon)
- Using VBA to Create Buttons to Add or Delete Rows and Columns (Coming Soon)
Advanced Concepts - Partnership-Level
Advanced tutorials related to partnership-level (i.e. waterfall) cash flow modeling
- Two Techniques for Modeling a GP Catch Up Provision
- One Technique for Modeling an LP Clawback Provisions
- Modeling Partnership Crystallization / Ownership Reset
- Modeling Annual Partnership Distributions with Monthly Property-Level Cash Flows
- Break Out Promote, Preferred Return, Excess Cash Flow, and Return of Capital Plus Separate Returns Before and After Fees
- Modeling Unique Contributions of Equity