Wrap Up Insurance

A comprehensive insurance policy designed specifically for larger construction projects. Wrap Up Insurance encompasses general liability insurance, worker’s compensation, and excess liability coverage, offering a unified solution that extends over the entire duration of the construction period. This policy covers all contractors and subcontractors involved, ensuring broad protection against a wide range of risks associated with construction activities.


  • Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP): This variant is procured by the project’s owner and typically provides insurance coverage for the owner, general contractor, and all tiers of subcontractors. The OCIP facilitates centralized management of insurance, which can lead to cost savings and better risk management.
  • Contractor Controlled Insurance Program (CCIP): In this arrangement, the general contractor secures the insurance, extending it to cover subcontractors. A CCIP allows contractors to leverage their insurance expertise and often results in more favorable insurance terms and conditions due to the contractor’s ongoing relationship with insurance providers.


  • Cost Efficiency: By consolidating multiple insurance policies into a single program, Wrap Up Insurance can significantly reduce the overall cost of insurance for the project.
  • Uniform Coverage: Ensures that all parties have uniform coverage limits and terms, reducing gaps in coverage and simplifying administrative processes.
  • Enhanced Safety Oversight: These programs often come with enhanced safety training and compliance measures, reducing the likelihood of accidents and claims.


When choosing between an OCIP and a CCIP, developers consider factors such as the control of insurance benefits, program administration, and the potential impacts on the project’s overall insurance costs.

Putting ‘Wrap Up Insurance’ in Context

Imagine the construction of a new high-rise residential complex in downtown Atlanta, called “Skyline Residences.” This ambitious project, led by BluePeak Developers, spans over 24 months and involves multiple contractors and subcontractors handling everything from foundation work to final finishes.

Scenario: BluePeak Developers decides to implement an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) for the Skyline Residences project. This decision is driven by the complexity and scale of the high-rise development, which includes significant structural work, intricate electrical installations, and high-end interior designs.


  • Comprehensive Coverage: The OCIP covers all parties under a single policy, including general liability, workers’ compensation, and excess liability. This means that in the event of construction accidents or damage, there is a streamlined process for claims, reducing the risk of litigation between parties.
  • Cost Savings: By centralizing the insurance coverage, BluePeak Developers manages to negotiate better rates and coverage terms than would be possible if each contractor obtained their own insurance. These savings can then be reallocated to enhance other aspects of the project.
  • Enhanced Safety and Compliance: With wrap up insurance in place, BluePeak Developers sets stringent safety standards and regular compliance checks, knowing that adherence reduces insurance claims and, consequently, project costs.

Example Calculation: Assuming the total insured project value is $200 million, and the premium for the OCIP is about 1% of this value, the total insurance cost would be $2 million. This cost is shared among the various contractors, proportionate to their contract values, thereby distributing the financial burden effectively.

This example highlights how wrap up insurance not only protects against risks but also fosters a cooperative relationship between various stakeholders in large construction projects like the Skyline Residences.

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