Excel Tips

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real estate financial modeling courses

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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated June 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
Desk for with Computer for IPMT & PPMT Excel Functions
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An Overview Of IPMT and PPMT Excel Functions – Uses And Drawbacks (Model + Case Study)

We recently received an intriguing question in the Q&A section of the A.CRE Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator regarding the uses of the IPMT and PPMT Excel functions. As such, I’d like to take the opportunity to discuss it. First…
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Supercharge Excel with the ‘Excel 4 CRE’ Add-In (Updated Jun 2024)

Today, we're thrilled to share with the A.CRE community a new timesaving (and free) Excel tool: the 'Excel 4 CRE' Add-in! Over the past year, we at A.CRE (together with our new favorite companion, ChatGPT!) have been developing and sharing this…
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Quick Thoughts on Evaluating Real Estate Investments Without Opening Excel

In our industry (commercial real estate), the ability to quickly evaluate investment opportunities is crucial for staying competitive. I know I've found in my professional career, that having a clear framework for evaluating - and then either…
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Watch Me Build – Modeling a Rent Schedule in Both Excel and Using AI (Updated May 2024)

In this Watch Me Build video I show you how to build a custom rent schedule module for long-term leases. The foundation of the module is a simple INDEX/MATCH combination that takes a rent schedule and models the rent cash flows across the entire…
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Hide and Unhide Tabs using Drop-down Menus in Excel (Updated Apr 2024)

I'd like to share a handy little trick I learned this week for hiding and unhiding tabs in Excel using drop-down menus. Now this method requires you to use some basic VBA code and to save the Workbook as a Macro-Enabled file but don't be intimidated…
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The Definitive Guide to Microsoft Excel for Real Estate (Updated Apr 2024)

Microsoft Excel is the primary tool used by real estate financial modeling professionals. Even while numerous non-Excel alternatives have attempted to de-throne Excel, the 35+ year-old software has shown to be surprisingly resilient to competition.…

The Conditional Weighted Average – SUMPRODUCT with SUMIF (Updated Apr 2024)

Consider this scenario: you have a 50 tenant rent roll, consisting of various tenant types (i.e. small inline, large inline, junior anchor, anchor, etc.), and you want to calculate the weighted average rent for each tenant type. If I asked you,…
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How to Prepare for the Real Estate Technical Interview (Updated Apr 2024)

So you've made it past the HR screening interview. You have the education and experience the company is looking for, but now they want to be sure you possess the real estate financial modeling skills necessary to do the job. They've asked…
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Using ChatGPT as a Real Estate Analyst – Sales Comp Analysis (Updated Aug 2023)

In early 2023, we here at A.CRE began exploring use cases for AI in commercial real estate. Since that time, we have released nine such posts covering topics such as using AI in the real estate job search, using AI to expand on Excel's capabilities,…
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The Circuit Breaker – How to Fix Circular Reference Errors in Excel

If you've spent much time working with elaborate Excel workbooks that rely on iterative calculations to solve formulas with circular logic, you've undoubtedly come across a problem where if you accidently put an erroneous value in an input…
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Using ChatGPT to Create Excel Logic #2 – Annual to Monthly Growth

Another post in a growing series on how to use ChatGPT in commercial real estate. In our real estate financial modeling Accelerator program we have a Q&A. Members of the Accelerator ask the A.CRE team questions, and we provide answers. Depending…
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Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT to Build the ‘Excel 4 CRE’ Add-In

This is another post in our growing series on how to use ChatGPT in commercial real estate. In this post, I show you how I used ChatGPT to build an Excel Add-in. For a bit of back story. A.CRE recently set out to create a free Excel add-in…
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Using OpenAI’s ChatGPT to Create Complex Excel Logic

The fourth blog post in this series on how to use ChatGPT in commercial real estate. As real estate financial modeling professionals, we're often tasked with creating complex logic in Excel. Depending on one's Excel proficiency, that task used…
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Best Practices in Real Estate Financial Modeling (Updated Mar 2023)

Before you use one of our real estate financial models (i.e. Excel templates), or before you set out to build your own real estate analysis tool in Excel, it's important to keep in mind a few real estate financial modeling best practices. This…

Excel Tip: Copy Worksheets between Identical Models (Updated Mar 2023)

From time to time, I come across modeling situations that Excel does not have built-in functionality to address. One particular situation I come across regularly, involves needing to transfer the contents of a worksheet, including all inputs,…