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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated April 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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Case Study #1 – Presidio (Case + Solution)

This is the first in a series of commercial real estate case studies shared by A.CRE. These case studies are meant to help you practice to master real estate financial modeling. Presidio puts you in the role of an acquisitions professional needing…
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Multifamily Redevelopment Model (Updated June 2020)

This is an Excel model I originally built from scratch back in 2015 for quickly assessing multifamily redevelopment opportunities. It was designed to work best for scenarios where individual units will be rehabbed over the hold at varying times.…
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The “Secret” to Learning Real Estate Financial Modeling

Just like any skill in life, there are tips and tricks to learning that skill. Some suggestions are more helpful than others, although all contribute in some way. In this episode, we share one of the more valuable tips - what our marketing team…
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Career Pivots, Finding Opportunity, and Your Next Move with Nick Bouquet – AiA

At some point in their career, most real estate professionals choose to pivot. No matter whether that means making wholesale career change (e.g. transitioning into real estate from another industry), or simply moving from one property type to…
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Ask a Pro: How to Hire Your Next CRE Attorney

If you are investing in real estate, it's only a question of when and not if you will need a lawyer. However, many clients do not always have significant experience in the past. As a commercial real estate attorney, I'm going to walk through…