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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated April 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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Maximizing Your ROI on In-Person CRE Events

The world is opening back up, and that means that in-person events are getting going again. While this is an exciting development, many of us are rusty as it relates to our in-person networking skills. In this episode, watch as Spencer, Sam,…
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Could You Be Exiting Too Early? Don’t Forget to Analyze Your Reinvestment Rate

When attempting to maximize the value of your money invested in real estate, the timing of your exit is key to maximize your return. Exit too early, and you might leave money on the table. Exit too late, and you might have better used that capital…
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Tutorials for A.CRE Value-Add Apartment Acquisition Model

As promised, I'm following up the release of the A.CRE Value-Add Apartment Acquisition model with a series of walk-throughs and tutorials to help you better understand the various elements of the model. The tutorials start with the basics -…
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Real Estate Equity Waterfall Model with Catch Up and Clawback (Updated May 2021)

A question came up recently in the A.CRE Accelerator's real estate waterfall modeling course regarding how to model GP Catch Up (i.e. Sponsor Catch Up) and LP Clawback provisions. I put together a quick video tutorial in response to that question,…