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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated April 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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What are Custom GPTs? Plus a few quick examples we’ve built.

In the fast-moving world of generative AI (gen AI), staying abreast of technological advancements is crucial for professionals in every field, especially in commercial real estate. At A.CRE, we're committed to sharing what we view as the critical…
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Las Funciones TIR y TIR.NO.PER en Excel – Explicados de Forma Completa y Sencilla

Cuando hablamos de análisis financiero, la capacidad de evaluar de manera precisa y eficiente la viabilidad y rentabilidad de los proyectos es, por supuesto, una herramienta indispensable para los economistas y profesionales del sector, y para…

Estrategias Para Mejorar las Indicaciones (Prompting) a la Inteligencia Artificial

En el sector inmobiliario comercial, donde la precisión y la previsión son esenciales, la inteligencia artificial -y la IA generativa en particular- ha surgido como un elemento de cambio. La IA, a través de modelos lingüísticos como ChatGPT…
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All-in-One (Ai1) Model for Underwriting Development and Acquisitions (Updated Mar 2024)

As many of you recall, in 2015 I set out to build an Excel alternative to the widely-used (and now discontinued) ARGUS DCF. With career moves and a lot of other A.CRE-related side projects, this undertaking has been slow going. Alas, in 2016…
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La Guía Definitiva de Microsoft Excel Para Bienes Inmuebles (Actualizado Marzo 2024)

Microsoft Excel es la principal herramienta utilizada por los profesionales del modelado financiero inmobiliario. Aunque numerosas alternativas que no son Excel han intentado destronarlo, este programa de más de 35 años de antigüedad ha demostrado…

Retail Lease Agreement for Commercial Real Estate

Does owning a retail shopping center seem like a good investment? Higher cap rates, multiple tenants who have survived e-commerce and COVID? One of the critical elements of a well-run retail center is having a clear understanding of retail NNN…
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Real Estate Equity Waterfall Model – IRR and Equity Multiple Hurdles (Updated Mar 2024)

Over the years, this real estate equity waterfall with annual periods and IRR or Equity Multiple hurdles has been one of the most popular models in our library of real estate Excel models. It's been downloaded thousands of times and we've received…
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Case Study #10 – Class A Industrial Warehouse + Rooftop Solar PV Plant (Case + Solution)

This case study explores a development of a 40-acre warehouse in Kasara, near Nashik, India. This industrial case study combines rental income with solar energy initiatives. In this article, we'll examine the financial strategies, including…
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Limitaciones de la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) a la Hora de Evaluar Inversiones Inmobiliarias

La tasa interna de rentabilidad es uno de los parámetros de rentabilidad más utilizados para analizar las oportunidades de inversión inmobiliaria. En pocas palabras, la TIR es la tasa de descuento prevista, determinada por el proyecto, que…
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Supercharge Excel with the ‘Excel 4 CRE’ Add-In (Updated Mar 2024)

Today, we're thrilled to share with the A.CRE community a new timesaving (and free) Excel tool: the 'Excel 4 CRE' Add-in! Over the past year, we at A.CRE (together with our new favorite companion, ChatGPT!) have been developing and sharing this…
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Introducing the New A.CRE University Profiles Page: Your Comprehensive Guide to Real Estate Education

We here at A.CRE are excited to announce the launch of our new A.CRE University Profiles Page. This enhancement is part of our commitment to providing a comprehensive resource for exploring real estate programs not only across the United States…
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Creación de Informes Imprimibles y en PDF en Excel para el Sector Inmobiliario

Cuando hablamos de realizar análisis financieros, en especial en el sector inmobiliario, elaborar informes imprimibles directamente desde un modelo financiero en Excel es una habilidad invaluable. A través de este tutorial, explicaremos un…
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Commercial Mortgage Loan Analysis Model (Updated Mar 2024)

Over the years, I've received various requests to augment our library of real estate Excel models to include a model for underwriting and analyzing commercial mortgage loans. Specifically, people have asked for a tool to calculate the loan amount…

Cómo Comunicarse Efectivamente con un Modelo Lingüístico de Inteligencia Artificial – Escrito por ChatGPT

En la constante búsqueda de eficiencia y vanguardia dentro del mundo empresarial, A.CRE ha dado pasos agigantados hacia la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías que potencien nuestra misión y visión. Bajo la guía estratégica de Spencer…
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5 Steps for Building a Winning CRE AI Strategy in 2024 and Beyond

The conversation around AI and AI strategy is heating up in almost every major industry, including commercial real estate. In healthcare, innovative providers are learning to leverage AI to provide more personalized care options for their patients.…