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Real Estate Financial Modeling Accelerator (Updated April 2024)

Prior to launching the Accelerator program, Michael and I fielded email after email requesting a more structured real estate financial modeling training program on the site. Over the years, we've covered hundreds of real estate modeling…
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Commercial Real Estate Lease Analysis Tool (Updated Jul 2023)

The topic of analyzing commercial real estate leases from the perspective of the landlord and/or tenant has come up several times over the years. And while I generally respond to requests for new models or tools at A.CRE, I've been hesitant…
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Acelerador De Modelos Financieros Inmobiliarios De A.CRE

Seguramente te has encontrado la frase “Acelerador de Modelos Financieros Inmobiliarios de A.CRE” en la gran mayoría de nuestras publicaciones en español, pero te has preguntado ¿Qué es exactamente el Acelerador? ¿Cómo se estructura?…
university real estate club best practices
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List of Real Estate Case Competitions (Updated July 2023)

Real estate case competitions present an opportunity for students to hone their skills by working on real-life or hypothetical case studies to solve actual business problems. These competitions assess a team's capacity to collaborate, analyze,…
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The Insider’s Edge to Real Estate Investing with James Nelson | S3SP21

In the newest episode of the A.CRE Audio Series, James Nelson, principal and head of Avison Young's Tri-State Investment Sales Group (as well as an active CRE investor himself), shares his insights and expertise on various aspects of real estate…
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Calculate Residual Land Value in Excel (Updated Jul 2023)

Here's the scenario. You're a real estate developer. You spot a prime parcel of land that would be perfect for your real estate project. So you approach the owner of the land about selling and she says, "Okay, bring me an offer." How much do…
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Modelo De Desarrollo De Centros Comerciales en Excel

A medida continuo mi carrera dentro de los bienes raíces comerciales, sigo descubriendo su relación y todo lo que rodea el fascinante mundo de los modelos financieros inmobiliarios, en esta oportunidad me aventure en la elaboración de un…
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Obstacles and Opportunities in the Colombian Real Estate Market: What the Smart City Expo Taught Us

During the celebration of the Smart City Expo 2023 in Bogota, Colombia, we were presented with valuable opportunities to learn and have a better understanding of the country's real estate market. This outstanding event brought together experts,…
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Obstáculos y Oportunidades en el Mercado Inmobiliario Colombiano: Lo que Smart City Expo Nos Enseñó

Durante la celebración de la Smart City Expo 2023 en Bogotá, Colombia, se presentaron valiosas oportunidades para aprender y comprender mejor el mercado inmobiliario del país. Este destacado evento reunió a expertos, profesionales y líderes…
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Utilizando ChatGPT de OpenAI Para Redactar Rápidamente Condiciones Comerciales Inmobiliarias

En esta oportunidad traemos otro capítulo la serie sobre cómo utilizar ChatGPT en el sector inmobiliario comercial. Como profesionales del sector inmobiliario, a menudo tenemos que redactar y modificar documentos comerciales no vinculantes,…
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How I Landed my First Job in Commercial Real Estate – Episode 1

As recruiting in the industry becomes increasingly competitive, we wanted to help those of our readers aiming to land their first job in commercial real estate. In this new series, we'll interview recent college students who landed their first…
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Herramientas de AI para Bienes Inmuebles Comerciales

Por si no se ha dado cuenta, en A.CRE hemos estado jugando mucho con la AI últimamente. La razón es que la inteligencia artificial (AI) está a punto de revolucionar el sector inmobiliario comercial transformando la forma en que operan los…